Sleep Apnea

Safe Sleep
Apnea Treatment
in Beaufort, SC

Trouble catching some Z’s? Did you know that nearly 25 million adults suffer from sleep apnea in the U.S. alone? If you’re part of this statistic, Marshlands Family Dentistry is here to help. Dr. John Wise and Dr. Edward Wise will guide you toward restful nights and brighter mornings with our safe and effective sleep apnea treatment options tailored just for you. 

How We Treat Sleep Apnea

At Marshlands Family Dentistry, we prioritize your well-being with comprehensive sleep apnea treatment options like mouth guards and airway therapy. From advanced screening methods to personalized care plans, we ensure you receive the best possible care for your unique needs. Our goal? To help you breathe easy and sleep soundly.

Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards

One of our go-to sleep apnea solutions is a custom-made mouth guard. These sleep apnea devices gently reposition your jaw to keep your airway open while you sleep, reducing snoring and preventing apnea episodes. 

Our dental team prescribes Elastic Mandibular Advancement (EMA®) and Thornton Adjustable Positioner 3 (TAP® 3), two of the best oral appliances on the market. Comfortable, effective, and travel-friendly, these sleep apnea mouth guards are a game-changer for quality sleep.

Airway Therapy

Beyond mouth guards, we offer holistic airway therapy designed to improve your breathing patterns. This can include exercises, lifestyle changes, and other interventions aimed at enhancing airway function. Think of it as a workout routine—but for your breathing!

Rest Easy with Help from Marshlands Family Dentistry